Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gorgeous March sunset.
Red-bellied Woodpecker. They've only recently expanded their range into our area.

Little Fuschia that hasn't stopped blooming all winter.

Mini Cattleya Orchid in bloom right now!
Big, handsome Cattleya that has reliably bloomed for years now. Heavenly scent, too!
Paphiopedilum Orchid that bloomed for the first time last week.

The big pines after a heavy snow.
The back yard after heavy snow.

Jay Sawyer sculpture making its own art.

"Spider Orchid". These are pollinated by predatory wasps in the wild, who think they're parasitizing spiders.
Forget the name of these beauties.
Cattleya hybrid.


Chickadee having breakfast after a very heavy snowfall.
Rare Pine Grosbeak, part of a small flock that visited us for a week this winter.

Sunset across the garden.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

"Cactus" style Dahlia grown from seed.
Beautiful miniature Eucomis hybrid.

Laetiporus sulphureus, or Sulphur Shelf Fungus. They are delicious fried in butter, and they taste like chicken!
Deep brick-red Gazania.

A Gazania SO pretty that I potted it up to winter over on the mud-porch.

Orchid cactus.

Colchicum autumnale, or Autumn Crocus.

Datura meteloides in the morning sun.

Other-wordly seedpods of Ricinus communis, or Caster Bean.
Golden raspberries hiding from the catbirds.

Honeybee amongst the fall Asters.

Me, being grumpy for the camera.

More canning. Gotta make sunshine while the hay somethings.....

The universe inside a beet slice.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Unusual rose markings on a white Morning Glory.
Red Admiral on Agastache foeniculum, or Anise Hyssop.

Summer color on the patio.

Epiphytic Cacti.

Amazing range of colors, and sizes fro the tomato garden.

Monarch Butterfly on the Eupatorium, or Joe-Pye-Weed.

Delicately fringed Dianthus. 

A bumblebee about to land in the throat of a morning-dew-speckled Datura.

An adorable Fuschia that wintered over on the windowsill in the kitchen this past winter, and never stopped blooming.

Blossoms of the most incredible, jasmine-scented Hosta, called the Plantain Lily.

Hallucinatory 'Batik' Morning Glories.

A really colorful Tigridia.

More Adlumia fungosa.

Monarch on an Autumn Dahlia.


Sweet little rose that blooms next to the patio steps.

Cricket and Pearl in the garden.

Pearl and I hanging out in the garden.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rain-spattered Lavatera.

Begonia cultivar bred from Begonia boliviensis.

A patch of Monarda citriodora attracts a multitude of bees and hoverflies.
Gorgeous red Banana interior shot.
More pickles from the garden.

Smiling Nasturtium.

African annual, Tweedia caerulea. It's related to the milkweeds.

 Vernonia noveboracensis, or New York Ironweed grows up to ten feet tall.

Rain-beaten Poppy.

Wind-blown Rudbeckias.

Society garlic