Sunday, February 24, 2013

A particularly nice shade of Salpiglossis.

Tiny spider spinning  a home in an Ox-Eye Daisy.

The flowers are really nice, but even the leaves are interesting on this cultivar Purslane.
Fiery, feathery evening clouds.

 Thymophylla tenuiloba, or Dahlberg Daisy has fragrant foliage and cheerful, sunny blossoms.

Platycodon, or Balloon Flower just about to pop!

Anigozanthos, or Kangaroo Paw.

Another view of my reading nook.

Mimulus and Petunias co-mingling in a large enameled coffee pot.

A huge Batchelor's Button plant that volunteered next to the patio.

The colorful interior of Codonopsis.

The patio pots in full bloom.

Clematis x Jackmanii

Yet another view of my reading nook. In the afternoon the crab-apple shades the spot with dappled light.

Adlumia fungosa in it's glory.

Monarda didyma blooming up a storm!

A particularly beautiful pale peach Hollyhock.

Digitalis showing it's true colors.

July is berry time.

Summer in Maine. There's nothing like it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Farm Rose" from Carol Keyes's old family farm in NH.
Adlumia fungosa in full growth.

Campanula porscharskyana flourishes in the semi shade of the woodland gardens.

Luminous July Rose.

View of the border that fronts the vegetable garden.

Beautifull, glowing Iris ensata, or Japanese Iris.
Corydalis elata, a great favorite that makes up for it's floppy habit with an incredible fragrance.

Gaillardia aristata is long-blooming in the perennial borders.
Podophyllum delavayi x "Spotty Dotty", a rather silly name for such a magnificent plant.

Insulator Sculpture.

My favorite reading nook.

Chipped antique ceramic pieces make wonderfully evocative planters.

A view from the patio towards the deck.

Lantana never fails to brighten up the patio planters.
A zonal geranium that also boasts beautiful flowers.

Calla lilies provide summer-long interest with spotted leaves and pure white flowers.
I grow Coleus hybrids every summer for filling in pots with easy color.

My favorite seed-grown Dahlia.

Stamen detail.

Self-sown Ox-eye Daisies thrive next to the patio, where they bloom for months.
View of the patio from the driveway end.

Expanded view encompassing the avenue of large planters.

Patio sitting area view from the deck.
Lobelia spilling out of a planter.

View from patio towards perennial border.

Gorgeous red banana leaf detail.

Rosa x "Dawn's Rose" with their heavenly, spicy fragrance.
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Friday, February 22, 2013

The perennial border in mid-summer.
Bearded Irises just before the rain that made them all flop over for the rest of the summer.

Magnificent poppies enjoying an afternoon in June.

A big, blue clematis that Tammi gave me. I have no idea of the cultivar name.

Cypripedium pubescens, or Yellow Lady's Slipper.

Close-up of their charming, shiny pouches, and twisting lateral petals.
Aquilegia x "Clematis Flowered" cultivar in full bloom.

The back yard in June.

Taken from next to the vegetable garden.

Spectacular florescence of the Arisaema tortuosum, a fascinating Asian Aroid.

Inside the shade house. The first season.

Clematis hybrid.